Thinking of You

Thinking of you and wanted to share this with you.

Today, be surrendered, know that “I Am” is within you. The is nothing you can see or do that is not The Divine Consciousness manifested. Take no thought of your own.  Say, Thy Will be done.  There is a new freedom and joy to be found in living in the moment, assured that God is living through you. Now you can relax and allow God to be the love that pours forth from within you. If you allow your attack thoughts to pour forth from within you, that will define your experience.  If you allow God to pour forth from within you that will define your experience. In this moment feel the love that envelopes you. Only love can come close to you, only love can be in your experience.  Close your eyes and feel “I Am” within you and no other experience can come near you. When anyone or anything presents, however beautiful or horrific it may appear you must maintain your being in this Divine Consciousness. All you see is The Divine, manifested.  Now you may go about your day and know that God has gone before you to straighten the crooked road.  When you meet a conflict close your eyes, breathe deeply and see only God. Let go of appearances and touch this knowing.

I love you.

Allow this to be a great day.