
I am with you always.  You need but see.  Today there will be no questing, no searching, no effort on your part to create.Today you will witness creation.  You will witness abundance and you will see that everything you could possible need is all around you. In letting go of your vision of it, your projection of it, your individual version of it, you will see the world anew.  Rest assured that I am with you and I will go before you to straighten the crooked road.

Today you will see the very real possibility that all things will be added unto to you. Not by your seeking, rather by your surrender.  Thy will be done.

Be still and know that I Am.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

From Patanjoli:  He who is steadfast in his abstention from falsehood shall have for himself and others the fruits of good deeds without having to perform those good deeds himself.

Allow the miracles to begin today, without effort.