Voice of God

I have been asking to hear the voice of God for years. I have said to God, I can bear this, even embrace it if I can but hear your voice. You tell me God that this is Thy Will and I will make my own. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane on that Maunday Thursday before the Passion on Friday, somehow He came to “Thy Will be done.” He knew something. There was a conversation and there came an understanding. I have begged and pleaded and asked God to whisper in my ear as he did Jesus’ in The Garden. I’ve not had a clear conversation, so clear a message. So many times I’ve wanted to hear, to be in communion with The Mind of God, to simply have the peace that passes all understanding. So many times I’ve known only my own pain and disappointment. The peace has eluded me. Resignation and acceptance were my only rewards for tolerance and perseverance.

This day is different. I have read, I have studied, I have even spoken and written of sharing The One Divine Mind. The years of believing, of saying, of reading and of crying out have transformed me. I see something I’ve never seen. I hear something I’ve never heard and I know something I’ve never known. After all the years in the desert and the difficult crossing of The River Jordan, I am ordained. God has shown himself. I am witness to the living Christ within. I see that as I maintain my being in Christ (surrender my sense of self, lose my five sense perspective) and maintain my awareness, that My Kingdom is not of this world. Then and only then am I in “The Secret Place of The Most High.” now I see with the eyes of Christ and no weapon can be formed against me. I can say “I see only The Christ in you.” there is no evil to overcome. God knows nothing of lack limitation or disease. All can be fed by fish and loaves. A single touch can heal and water can become wine. This is moving man to the spiritual power of God rather than attempting to bring the spiritual power of God to man.

Jesus did not come by this through some magical incantation, nor by the sweat of his brow, or by his keen intellect. He came to this by His very practical experience of miracles in His everyday life. Jesus simply realized what all of us can know if we but have eyes to see. That God functions in and through each of us. We are the Sons of God. The flesh and blood of The One Mind, the animating force of all that is and in this awareness (but only in awareness) all things are possible. Here there can be no lack limitation or disease. There can be nothing to overcome or remedy. As you inventory the miracles that The One Mind performs in and through you and surrender your small ideas and allow The Greatness, The Vastness, The Absolute Power of The One Mind to animate you, it simply is not possible to stand apart from It. It is not possible to see evil, lack, limitation or disease. You can finally say, however beautiful or however horrific you may appear there is no truth in appearance. The truth is that each person is the flesh and blood, the physical representation of God and as such is incapable of malice, greed envy or jealousy. No disease needs to be made right. No forgiveness needs to be administered by the mind of man. The eternal truth is that love is the animating force that moves all and is the essence of everyone and everything. The only deviations come in the mind of man.

Now I can say, “what hinders you man, pick up your roll and walk. It is through the recognition, the awareness of the miracles performed by God through me that finally brings me to know God and to see that all else is illusion. I can say “get Thee behind me Satan” when temptation presents as evil, as lack, as death and disease. Now I can hear Christ speak to me with the words “greater things than I ye shall do” and know with that exhortation that I am in service to The One Mind.

Now in a moment of temporary lack, limitation or disease I can simply recall, oh yes I am The Son of God, heir to all. All things are possible in Him. I have the meat the world knows nothing of. I can not lack but in my mind. Here let me call upon the conversation the The Garden and I am in the Secret Place of The Most High. Let me say to temptation, get thee behind me. Let this light shine through me to all darkness and as the Wright brothers mastery of flight made flying avail to all of us, so this knowing is available to all. It is in this awareness of everyday miracles that we are able to stay ourselves in The Christ Mind and live abundantly in The Secret Place of the Most High.

This Day

As this day begins you can see that the only life is the Life of Christ. Maintain yourself in The Christ Mind and all that is is yours. You are the Son of God. This means that you are the flesh and blood of The One Mind, The Consciousness that spins the planets. You consist of and are a part of the very fabric of All That Is. Moving through you is The Divine Spark at the center of All. As you know this and only tho the extent that you know this you are at the center of creation. As God moves in you and as you are aware of The Divine moving in you, you yourself are in the flow of Thy Will be done. It is not possible for you to experience lack, limitation or disease in this awareness. All that is flows through you. Love is the way of this consciousness. Allow this to function in you through forgiveness and love and The Christ Mind will be living and creating in you to the extent of your awareness thereof. Let this day be the day that your awareness is on this alone.