Reality and Projection

All things you think are real are simply projections of your mortal mind. All you need to do to see the world aright is to let go of your preconceived (preprogrammed) ideas about the past and the future and live in the moment. I am with you always, but only in the moment, not in the past and not in the future. You will know me aright when you are not in the past and not in future for neither exist but in your distorted perception thereof. Release yourself and this world from the non-reality of the waking dreamer by seeing what is real and true in the moment. My Kingdom awaits only your recognition. “All that I have is yours” but all that I have is in the moment. Allow the mana of today to be yours. Allow “the bread you cast upon the water” to be returned to you. Your awareness focuses your mind on what you send out into the universe and on what you receive in the present moment.

Now, to all sense of lack, limitation and disease, to all evil of any name or nature, you may say simply, “get thee behind me,” and “The Father and I are One.” This awareness maintains your being in Me, keeps you in the “secret place of the most high” and proclaims truth to any illusion. Here you recognize the Oneness of all things, your place in My Kingdom and the eternal omnipresent Truth of God, The loving source that sustains all things. No questing or seeking or lack or separation is possible here. Grace has come upon you and all you can do is acknowledge It and gift It to this world so lost in the material sense of separateness from the Love of God that sustains it.  Today you will pray without ceasing. You will be steadfast in your abstention from falsehood and you will be present with Me in My Kingdom and all that I have is yours. Consciously give this gift to all you see today and your awareness of it will multiply.