

My Son you must see by now that there is a God, One Mind that is all things and is the eternal truth that underlies all physical and material appearance. To see “with the eyes of Christ” is to see this this always. This alone is vision. Perception is your own discrete view, or ego’s version of creation. You can see that no truth lies in perception. Vision alone brings eternal truth to all illusions. Now look upon the world, not from the transitory point of view of your ever changing self but allow God to illuminate all things with vision. The truth and the wisdom of all times lives within you. No material sense nor perception thereof can touch the eternal truth. You are able to look right at any physical representation or materiality and see its underlying truth. When you love something enough it will give up its truth. This is not a mortal love. This is your ego’s choice and this is not selective. This is the omnipresent, omniscient God that is your true Self, that is the truth of all things.

Today, rather than living in the world of ever shifting ego perceptions, join Me in My Kingdom and let your perceptions and judgements fade as I restore true vision unto My Son. Now as you look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters you will see with vision the One Truth. Here there is no judgement, no desire, no outcome and there is nothing to change for I alone create in My Kingdom, far beyond the world of mortal projections and perceptions. Allow this truth to be yours today and allow this truth to be your gift to this world and all whom you see in it. This is what is meant by bringing The Light of God, The Love of God. This is the salvation of this world. You simply forgive the world your illusions and truth appears. As you “at-one” atonement is available to all the world.

The Presence


As The Father expresses His Consciousness through you, you know love and give love. No amount of mortal thought or activity will bring the peace of an instant in direct contact with God, the consciousness that is the truth behind all things. As you surrender your thoughts and ideas to the God within He expresses His Will through you and the truth emerges taking the place of all your illusions. Without effort, Grace functions in your life. “I am with you always” reminds you that you have access to the consciousness of The One Creator at all times. You will live the mystical life that Christ described when you can release this world from your own thoughts and projections and allow The Creator to present to you The Kingdom as it truly is.

Today you walk in the world but be not of it. You will see with the eyes of Christ and you will declare as Christ did “My Kingdom is not of this world.” The only truth is the everlasting truth and it alone is the source of all things. Abide in Me and you will see The Truth of you and of all that is. Allow this grace to be yours today by surrendering your mad illusions, you’re very mind unto The Creator and allow Him to create. “Be still and know that I am God.” “I know your needs before you do.” “All that I have is yours.” You may now go out into the world and offer this gift to others.

The Present Moment


This day sets apart the past from the future. The Love of God that envelopes you always surrounds you now and releases you from the past and the future. By staying in the presence of God you are without the samskaras of the past and the projections of the future. This is where the peace that passes human understanding is. Allow not your mind to attempt creation for these projections imprison you in a false world apart from the presence of God. Let no sacred grievance and no precious illusion of falsehood separate you from the omnipresent consciousness of the One Living God that creates the world one instant at a time. Do not miss this creation looking over your shoulder at the past or around the the corner to the future. Mystical living is living in The Christ mind or Buddha Mind and is only possible in the present moment. Now join Me in My Kingdom. See only what is real and true. Do not project or expect, rather anticipate that The Love of God will provide all things, by Grace. You can not know the gifts God has in store for you and you can not find them in past recollections or in future expectations. You can allow God, The Living God that animates your being, to provide them as you abide in Him. That is, “pray without ceasing.” “Be still and know that I Am God.” “Be steadfast in your abstention from falsehood.” My Son it is My great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you. As you allow your mind to still, The Presence of God comes upon you and Grace provides your needs before you know them. Allow truth to be yours and to be your gift to this world. Only The Love of God is real.