The Presence


As The Father expresses His Consciousness through you, you know love and give love. No amount of mortal thought or activity will bring the peace of an instant in direct contact with God, the consciousness that is the truth behind all things. As you surrender your thoughts and ideas to the God within He expresses His Will through you and the truth emerges taking the place of all your illusions. Without effort, Grace functions in your life. “I am with you always” reminds you that you have access to the consciousness of The One Creator at all times. You will live the mystical life that Christ described when you can release this world from your own thoughts and projections and allow The Creator to present to you The Kingdom as it truly is.

Today you walk in the world but be not of it. You will see with the eyes of Christ and you will declare as Christ did “My Kingdom is not of this world.” The only truth is the everlasting truth and it alone is the source of all things. Abide in Me and you will see The Truth of you and of all that is. Allow this grace to be yours today by surrendering your mad illusions, you’re very mind unto The Creator and allow Him to create. “Be still and know that I am God.” “I know your needs before you do.” “All that I have is yours.” You may now go out into the world and offer this gift to others.