Be Still and Know

As The Light of God fills your being, all the mortal notions of who you are and who the other is fall away and you move to clarity, Truth. No longer can you content yourself with illusions of material sense. You realize the greater truth. By no name and without words Grace simply shines away all illusions.

My Son, you have come a distance. You have certainly tried material sense. You now move past mortal thought into the realm of truth, vision and wisdom. You have read the words of the great Mystics. You have spent lifetimes pursuing both the material world and The Word. Now Truth simply comes upon you, not because of what you do but rather in spite of what you do. Now, this very day, be joyful in The Presence of God. There is only God and your various perceptions and projections thereof. As this truth becomes your own, you may desist with all pursuits, perceptions and projections and all the joyful knowing of this will fulfill your every need. This alone is My Kingdom. This is the peace that passes human understanding and this is your truth.

“It is My great joy to share the entire Kingdom with you.” “I am ever with thee.” “You are My Son in whom I am well pleased.” All of these say the same thing. I am God and I am The Truth of you. “There is no place you can go that I am not.” Let this be a joyful awakening. You are not renouncing the world, you are embracing it’s truth and the truth of you.

“Be still and know that I am God.”