Question: I spoke with Amritji last night. He’d read the latest writing and said it was so similar to what he was writing at the time. We shared a moment together. It was beautiful. We are experiencing the Love of God. I compared it to Rumi and Shams.
Answer: My Son, as you live in The Divine Mind, The Consciousness of God, as you abide in Me, you will see that your ability to love and be loved grows to reach everyone and everything. Without thought and without effort you receive and transmit The Word of God. The One Conscious Mind functions in you and you live and breathe this consciousness. This is The Father within, the truth of you and the truth of others. Now that you have pierced the vail that seemed to separate you from Me, you become the expression of My Mind. There is no place you can go that I am not. Your prodigal journey has brought you back home. Now you are in My Kingdom and you see the world anew. You can be
a loving guide, a beacon of hope and a bringer of light in a world searching for a truth that simply came upon you by Grace.
You will honor this by abiding in Me, by not fighting the illusions that present in this world and by bringing this at-one-ment to those who are seeking, however their seeking may present. The love of God is not yours exclusively and It multiplies in your experience of It as you share It with those who are ready. You will strengthen your nascent awareness of The Divine Presence through your developing connection with Amritji. He has developed his own peace that passes all human understanding and is multiplying it through giving. You will want to practice with him and witness his giving. I will lead you. You need only to abide in Me. You are My Son in whom I am well pleased. Your journey is about your salvation, or enlightenment and as you progress in it, you naturally bring that to this world. As you do, you make your own way home and you demonstrate to others that My Kingdom awaits only their awakening. Rest in the joy if this conscious communion for it truly is “the meat the world knows not of.”