Sat Chit Ananda


Let the Grace of the Great Mystery be your one source. Let no physical or material sense deter you or remove you from the truth. The truth is eternal and unmanifest. As you abide in truth all illusions fade to nothingness. Surely you can see in all things around you that the material sense of the world Is simply a transitory experience. Allow your inner knowing, your heart centered awareness, to open unto the eternal truth behind behind all transitory illusion. Allow Grace to come upon you. Rest in the awareness that I am ever with thee. Your true Self witnesses this world without affect. As you move your awareness and attention from the time and space bound construct of physical perception, your ego self begins to still and in this stillness the “I Am” reveals your truth and the truth in all things. Now you see that searching for truth in the world of illusion is madness. There is nothing true or lasting in this world. Eternal truth is in the unmanifest world where all things are together in the One Mind. Your access to this world is in relinquishing the symbols of this world to know the truth behind them in the eternal unmanifest world. You have come to this awareness now and can not retreat from it. You have yet to fully accept your own immortality so you are in this world but not of it. You must allow Grace to be your source. You must allow yourself the peace that only comes from dwelling in The Word. You can not attempt to move and be on the gross level whilst your awareness rests in the truth of the eternal unmanifest reality of the non-physical. You will see all things together in the unmanifest world of truth. Allow this to come upon you without effort as you release this world from your perceptions and projections. There is the peace, the love, the joy that is the truth of all that is, Sat Chit Ananda, Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.