
awarenessAs Love flows through you It becomes you, you become It, It becomes your gift to others and It becomes your experience of life. You are experiencing It in your relationships with friends, acquaintances, even those presenting in conflict. You see, you are finally living It, being It and seeing It in all things. Love is God. God is Love. You are It. All things are It.

Now any attempt to limit or define this narrowly as one thing or one person truly is unconscious. To be conscious and aware, to be love and to be loving you must maintain truth as you look upon the world. It is My great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you, but if you attach or attempt to narrow or limit or name and define aspects you miss The Truth. The Truth remains eternal, everlasting, ever changing and ever with thee. Do not pursue. Do not attach. Do not even name The Truth. Love God. Simply be. Chun Tzu asked “am I a man dreaming to be a butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming to be a man. Now you can see the question has no answer. The Love of God is all things. It is your Truth and The Truth. You are free to know this love at all times and with everyone and everything, for It is your true Self.

Today you may bask in the glow of your awareness of love in everyone you see. As you give this love you will experience It as your reality, your Truth.