Reflect Love


As this world presents it’s illusions, it’s transitory appearances interpreted through the shifting thoughts of the ego’s perceptual reality, your true Self, the inner knowing within you can see an unchanging truth. The unchanging truth beyond material sense is The Presence, Eternal Life, God. This source of all things is a giving source, capable of nothing but giving itself to you and to all. So it has been said, “it is my great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you.” This is the true nature of you as well. Your great pleasure is not in seeking or in getting, it is in giving. For it is in the giving of it, whatever it is that you experience it. You see this in nature. An object absorbs every color except the one it gives back, or reflects and that is the color you see, or it’s color. So what you give defines your experience of something. When you reflect love you experience love. When you reflect fear you experience fear. You know that animals pick up on this and demonstrate it back to you.

Today you may abide in the peace that passes human understanding as you reflect the loving eternal truth of your Self by giving that back to each person and to all things with which you interact. Let them know you by your love. Even the birds will land on your shoulders as they did with St. Francis. Let no object or illusion of fear, anger, lack or limitation take root in your mind today. No matter what interpretation you see, simply reflect back your loving truth. Nothing else is real and nothing else can shift the appearance that presents to your ever changing ego mind. Your experience reflects your thoughts. Allow these thoughts to come to you from True Source rather than your mortal mind. Access the eternal kingdom within by stilling the ego mind’s shifting perception and know what is real. Release the world from your misconceptions and atone. Love God with all your heart. This is simply to see the world aright. Forgiveness is simply the recognition of the true nature of everyone and everything. Practice this today. You will be a benediction wherever you go. You will reflect truth and illusion will absorb into nothingness. Your own experience will be the reflection, LOVE.

One Source


There is but One Source. There is but One Truth. There is but One Self. As I stand in the awareness of True Source, of Self, all material sense gives way to a knowing of a truth that is far beyond the physical experience. This truth moves in a realm far beyond this three dimensional world. The source of all things is my source. “The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want.” I am living in conscious communion with this source. What of the material world could I seek? What could I lack. By Grace all things are given me. I am finally in the peace that passes human understanding. In the presence of God I see another world. I see the truth beyond the symbols of this three dimensional world. All the world of physicality is but symbols that represent the truth. In the awareness of truth the symbols are seen anew, not as they are physically but as the true meaning behind them. Beyond the subjective interpretations of the mind is that which is discerned spiritually, with the heart. As you abide in this awareness, all you see is love, all you see is truth and what is given is received by Grace. The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want.

Sat Chit Ananda


Let the Grace of the Great Mystery be your one source. Let no physical or material sense deter you or remove you from the truth. The truth is eternal and unmanifest. As you abide in truth all illusions fade to nothingness. Surely you can see in all things around you that the material sense of the world Is simply a transitory experience. Allow your inner knowing, your heart centered awareness, to open unto the eternal truth behind behind all transitory illusion. Allow Grace to come upon you. Rest in the awareness that I am ever with thee. Your true Self witnesses this world without affect. As you move your awareness and attention from the time and space bound construct of physical perception, your ego self begins to still and in this stillness the “I Am” reveals your truth and the truth in all things. Now you see that searching for truth in the world of illusion is madness. There is nothing true or lasting in this world. Eternal truth is in the unmanifest world where all things are together in the One Mind. Your access to this world is in relinquishing the symbols of this world to know the truth behind them in the eternal unmanifest world. You have come to this awareness now and can not retreat from it. You have yet to fully accept your own immortality so you are in this world but not of it. You must allow Grace to be your source. You must allow yourself the peace that only comes from dwelling in The Word. You can not attempt to move and be on the gross level whilst your awareness rests in the truth of the eternal unmanifest reality of the non-physical. You will see all things together in the unmanifest world of truth. Allow this to come upon you without effort as you release this world from your perceptions and projections. There is the peace, the love, the joy that is the truth of all that is, Sat Chit Ananda, Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.