Now it is a matter of living in alignment with your knowing. Now My Son as you hear the word of God you are compelled to abide in it. There is no place in this world that the awakened being can pretend that illusions are real and that falsehood is true. You have surrendered the un-real for the real and fear for love. There will be no comfort in the ever changing world of material sense. Your peace, your joy and your love is truly in My Kingdom, the shared consciousness of the One Mind. Now as you abide in this, all that I have is yours. There is nothing outside of this and there is nothing false, illusory or material inside of this. You are now seeing beyond the false interpretations of physicality, of perception, of the ego mind. You are seeing the truth behind all of that. You simply can not indulge in the illusions of the world made up by the interpretive perceptions of your ego’s mind. Your conscious communion with The One Mind allows you to see beyond the material perception and disallows the mind illusory perceptions. Now all things are seen in truth. Judgement is not possible. Condemnation is replaced with compassion. Forgiveness replaces the ego mind’s fear and anger. You can not conflict with the un-real and you can not believe illusion to be real. Now you see forgiveness is your own awakening to truth. As understanding and compassion replace judgement and fear within you, all the world around you shifts to embrace The One Truth to which you have awakened. I am The One Conscious reality. There is no other truth, other God, no other consciousness and your awareness of My Presence within you and within all things is your key to immortality, abundance and the eternal source of all that is. This is love, abundance, health, joy, companionship and allness. It is The Father’s gift to you and your gift to the world. You can not find it in this world if you are not giving it. If you search for it out here in this world, it illudes you, for it is only in your conscious communion with it that it is possible for you to know it. You suffer when you think you are separate from it. Now you can not be separate from it but in your own lack of awareness. Acknowledge Me in all thy ways. Abide in The Word of God and I am ever with thee. Seek first in heaven, that stand steadfast in conscious union with The One Truth and all else shall follow. Create no idol or material sense to stand before your awareness of truth. Now consciousness completely occludes the false images in the mind of the waking dreamer and peace is restored to you. Rest in the peace of God.
Monthly Archives: October 2014
The love of The Father is the only truth there is. In stillness, the constant chatter of perceptual thought is quieted and truth, love, is revealed. In every situation and in every breath you choose between the eternal unmanifest truth or your discrete perception thereof. Living consciously is living in the awareness of truth whilst the patterns of thought of the ego mind come and go like images on a movie screen. You may be engaged in the drama of the ever changing images but you must be able to connect with the truth beyond the shifting images. No peace is possible when these images seem to control your life. You must say with Christ “The Father and I are One.” You must declare “I have the meat the world knows not of.” Now peace is yours. Now you may rest assured, matter the image that presents, you and The Father are One. Now you actually know, in every circumstance, only love is real, only the eternal aspect of Me is real. The material sense, the perceptions and the patterns are the work of the waking dreamer and are actually under the control of the Self within. In stillness the eternal loving truth is revealed and the images simply fade away. The material experience comes and goes while the eternal truth of you remains unaffected by it. Today you will be able to stand with Christ in the eternal consciousness of the Loving Father and declare the truth that eliminates false images. You will see truth where illusion presents and no matter the name or nature of the material object you will reside in the awareness of the loving truth. Nothing can be lacking, nothing can be wrong, and nothing can be fearful, for love is the nature of the Mind of God. Allow the truth to shine through the perceptions of your material experiences today. Be still and know that I am God.
I dreamt that I was in a discussion, like so many I’ve had trying to establish parity in relationship. My Son, you can see that the mind of the sleeping dreamer and the mind of the waking dreamer struggle with the same illusions and pointless conversations about conflicts that exist only in the mind of the dreamer. Surely you are ready to acknowledge the total non-reality of the dream, be it the waking dream or the sleeping dream. Now in The Mind of God you see there is no conflict, only unity. There is no struggle, only peace. There is no other truth, only love. Now, no matter the issue, the illusion or the conflict, you may say get thee behind me to all illusion, for you are neither the sleeping dreamer nor the waking dreamer, you are the eternal consciousness of The One God. Your truth is the Non-material, eternal un-manifest Being of God. No longer can you struggle under the pretense of separateness from God, or from anyone or anything. As you abide, that is live, in the conscious union with The One Mind, all the material appearances fade away. You are living this union within your undisturbed meditations. You must overcome the challenge of living this when your mind begins to project and perceive the things of this world, materiality, to be apart from truth. You are called open to maintain clarity, to abide in The Word of God, that conscious communion, as the material world presents. This is faith. This is forgiveness. This is atonement. This is the only truth there is and this is the gift The Father gives to you so that you may give it to this world. Whether you call it as Patanjali did “steadfast abstention from falsehood,” or as Christ did, “faith the size of a mustard seed,” this is access to “My Kingdom,” the peace that passes human understanding. It is not your place to change the manifest world. It is yours to see the un-manifest truth in the illusory world of manifesting images, to bring the waking dreamer to awareness beyond the five sense world. You will acknowledge that I am ever with thee and that I know your needs before you do and that I go before you to straighten the crooked road. Now The Grace of God moves in you. Your union with The one makes all things possible. Rest in this peace and allow illusions of every name and nature to pass right by you without engaging them. No other truth exists and no other way is possible for you My Son.