There appears to be two worlds. My kingdom is not of this world. There is the real and the unreal. There is the reality of polarity and there is the non-reality of duality. The unattached observer sees what appears as duality, is from the higher perspective in fact only polarity. Yin and yang, Shiva and Shakti, male and female, the polarity exists in all things. From the ego’s perspective this is seen as duality, two worlds. In fact, no second world exists any more than truth and falsehood are two separate worlds. Only truth exists. 2 X 2 =5 is not another truth apart from 2 X 2 = 4. Further, the truth of 2 X 2 = 4 does not destroy or alter or in any way affect 2 X 2 =5. There is only truth. There is no falsehood. There exists only a concept of falsehood that is not real. When recognized in the light of truth, the unreal simply disappears. The stick mistaken for a snake is not a snake. The correction does not take place out here in the word, it takes place in the perception of the observer, or witness. This is what is meant by the phrases “know the truth and the truth will set you free,” and Patanjoli’s “be steadfast in your abstention from falsehood.”
In A Course In Miracles it is constantly repeated, “only love is real.” Scripture tells us “all that God has made is good.” Where then does evil exist? How can we witness a world apart form God’s creating. Only in the mind of the observers can we take what the eyes see and the ears hear and report back that polarity has become duality, that two world’s exist. In every case truth prevails and illusion fades in its presence. As you know The Truth, you are freed from falsehood, the material sense that presents as a separate world. Now you not only can, but you must, declare “get thee behind me” to every illusion, no matter its name or nature. As you move from the unreal to the real, as you recognize that “the ground upon which you stand is holy ground,” and trust you are in fact in the “secret place of the most high.” Now, “no evil can come neigh thy dwelling place.” There is no evil to come by your dwelling place. There is no power apart from God that needs to be overcome. The only thing there ever was that needed to be overcome is the perspective, or perception that you were somehow separated from God, as a branch apart from a tree, cut off to wither and die. Now the idea that “I am ever with thee” takes on a sense of urgency. With each breath in and with each breath out you realize “I am closer to you than your breathing.” All that I have is yours because there exists in fact one unified I that I am. Aham Brahmasmi, I am Brahman, the infinite reality. The mystics say “I am that I am.”
Know the truth and the truth will set you free. Do no quarrel with falsehood and illusion; rather shine the light of truth in the direction of darkness and witness it disappearance.