Acknowledge The Presence

acknowledgingThePresenceThe constant awareness of the spirit of God within you is your salvation, your
source, and your sustenance. You have come to this place to know God aright. Nothing
and no one outside of you can provide you with this life, this grace, and this complete
bliss. Surrender all your material sense, all your karmic patterning and all your
programmed thoughts and step into my kingdom. You are not renouncing love, you are
not renouncing this world, you are seeing it all anew, aright. As you let go your limited
notions of material sense, truth is revealed and illusion simply fades away. No one can do
this for you and nothing can substitute for truth. All you need to do is move from the
repetitive thought patterns that you have attempted to overlay upon truth and see what is
behind it all, God. I am ever with thee. I am the meat, the wine, and the water. There is no
other source, no other truth and other way.

Your transition from material sense to living by Grace is upon you now. Simply
let go. There is nothing of the material world that can be held on to. In this surrender you
finally see what the mystics saw, to own it forever it must be released, for truth is not in
material sense, truth is in your conscious awareness. Only you have access to your
conscious awareness and only you can deny access to it. With every breath, with every
heartbeat, you are connected physically to the One, God, eternality. Your mind works
constantly to present a world apart from this, a world of temporary fleeting images of
what is forever true in the unmanifest, formless, eternal consciousness of God. You can
only suffer when you seek the form rather than the substance. All that has passed through
your fingers and all that has flashed before your eyes are but the images of waking
dreamer. This day you will stand unwaveringly in the conscious awareness that I alone
am the unmanifest eternal all, the Creator and you and I are One. As you know this truth,
as you seek first in heaven, the unmanifest, eternal reality, all things are added unto you
by grace. That is, as your consciousness knows truth, truth becomes your experience.
Now, with allness eternally your own truth, for whom and for what would you
long in the world of fleeting material sense.

Do not fall subject to disillusionment as the light shines upon the darkness of the
material world of death and disease. Rejoice in the truth that is was never real but in the
mind of the reactive perceiver. This is salvation, this is atonement, this is your final step
into the peace of God. The gift of conscious awareness is yours at last. This gift is
multiplied by sharing it. Like all things unmanifest, giving of it makes it yours forever.
Start this today by giving the gift of divine love to everyone you see. Look deeply into
their eyes and acknowledge the truth of them. Silently give each person the gift of
acknowledging the source within them. As you acknowledge the presence of God within
each person, so you will feel the presence within you. Let the love of God, the peace of
God flow through you to everyone and everything.

The World Made New

worldMadeNewThe love that you give is the love that you receive. The bread you cast upon the water is the bread that returns to you. Your life is the experience of your inner most awareness or consciousness. As you become more aware, that is as you remember more clearly, the truth that is your own, your experience of life becomes ever more joyful. The thoughts and experiences that seem to distress you are simply the letting go of or burning of the karmic seeds of the past. The more you are able to watch the experience as the unaffected observer, the more you will experience life as a series of events or images that have no real effect. Letting go of your investment in the outcome of material sense, illusion and setting your mind upon the eternal truth in every situation sets you free. As your ability to see truth when illusion presents further develops, you learn that all the world of physicality is but your perception and is always subject to the paradigm through which you see it. Remember that only love is real and that I am ever with thee and that paradigm through which you see all things becomes the loving truth. You begin to see what is rather than project what is unreal. This is the lesson of the great mystics. “My Kingdom is not of this world” was spoken to demonstrate that the vision or actualization of truth presents as an experience outside the five sense world. Seen through or more accurately, known through the wisdom of the heart, there is only love. As you cast your eyes upon the world this day let your gentle gaze reflect back to you the love and equanimity, that is recognition of your true self. Release the karmic patterns and forgive all experiences of the past that would impinge upon the present movement. The initiation, or purification, is simply a letting go of what as never real so that all that is left is the eternal truth of you. Surrendering, or renouncing the unreal so that the real is at last visible and known to you in the heart is truly your awakening, your salvation and your gift to others. As you walk in this truth you empower others to walk in theirs and all the world is made new.