Your path is clear. You can not go back to the material sense world. You must maintain your awareness in truth. As you still the inner dialogue of perception, judgment and illusion, truth reveals itself. You must walk between truth and illusion, between perception and true vision. You must be in the world but not of it. Allow your body the joys of material experience while maintaining your being in the truth that lies beyond. “Judge not by appearance by judge righteously “ is a call to see truth where material illusion presents.
Remember always that your truth is beyond your physical being and The Truth is beyond material sense. Witness the appearances of materiality but maintain your clear vision of the truth that lies beyond.
Now nothing of the material sense world can touch you. Nothing outside your own consciousness can be in your experience. Relinquish your magic thoughts and illusions of a being or a world apart from God. Rest in the constant awareness that I am ever with thee.
Allow the God within you to live your life. Allow yourself and your mind’s thoughts of separateness to simply fade away and proclaim the glory and the love of God. This love, this awareness, this truth is available to you not only in moments of meditation or quite contemplation; this is your truth, the truth always and forever. There is no material sense and no thoughts of the mortal mind that can separate you from it. As you live your life in it’s awareness, so your life becomes it, as no separate self is possible in this awareness.
Let this day be the day of joyful re-birth. Let at-one-ment settle gently upon you as you release all judgment and forgive all the world your own illusory thoughts and memories and step fully into The Truth. The Truth resides eternally in the moment of your own awareness of the presence within you. I am ever with thee and only love is real.