The One Truth

oneTruthLove is the truth that sets you free. Love allows you to see what is real and eternal when your five senses bear witness to a different reality. Love is the light that shines away darkness, brings forgiveness to the illusion of sin and love alone brings peace, harmony and oneness to all appearance of conflict, distress and disorder. It is your ability to know love, to know truth, that reveals it in the face of what appears to be other than love. Only love is real. Truly, nothing more needs to be said. Nothing else can be taught. Nothing else can be learned. Love is beyond learning. Knowing love and being loving allows you to say “Know that truth and the truth will set you free.” Know love and there quite literally is nothing else to know. Every illusion, no matter the name or nature, simply fades to nothingness in the presence of Love, The One Truth. This is the truth that sets you free, free from all material circumstance. You may demonstrate your realization of this truth when the appearance of something other than love presents simply by reminding yourself that love is the one eternal truth, that love is your eternal truth, and that love is the eternal truth of all things. Whether you say it as “The Father and I are One” or as “ I am ever with thee” or “all that I have is thyne.” Love is the eternal truth and it is your recognition of it that makes it your experience. It is your own projection and judgment that obscures your awareness thereof. Now that you know the truth you are ordained to practice love, to administer love and to bear witness to its eternal presence in even the most contrary of appearances. There are no big and small illusions, no illusions that are harder to release than others, no appearances of falsehood that require “special” incantations or effort to dispel. All illusion, all the appearance of a reality or truth apart from love are simply waiting to be brought to the light of love. You are the bringer of light, the giver or love. You are the one ordained, called upon to see truth in the moment that illusion attempts to obscure truth. Allow your recognition of truth, your awareness that God lives and breathes within you, to banish the illusion. Allow God, Love, to set aside appearances and bring truth to your awareness. Only love is real.

The Power of Awareness

powerOfAwarenessAll the time and all the energy that is spent casting about in the material sense world simply moves things about in the material world. In order to make a lasting difference, in order to truly alter your course and the course of others you must allow the true power within you to be activated and to do the work assigned to you to do. No longer can you think of yourself as an isolated organism operating independent of the larger system. Surely you can acknowledge the quantum mechanics of the universal system. You can see that the organizing intelligence of the whole is at play in every minute detail and operates the system as a whole and while you may not be able to always define your place in that system it must be clear that you have a role therein. All that needs to be done now is for you to acknowledge Me in all thy ways. That is allowing the functioning of the system within you and around you of all times, with every breath. Simply see what is instead of what was or what you would impose. Allow the Grace of God to function in you and in the world. Allow no perception on your path to overwrite or occlude the divine perfection of the Creator. In the stillness you connect with the Divine Mind, the Source, by any name or no name, the One that creates all things, Consciousness. Now through you, but without effort or intention on your part all things manifest. Pantanjoli said to be “steadfast in your abstention from falsehood.” He meant abide in the truth. Maintain your awareness of what is true in the face of illusory perception. You have done this in part. Now is the time for you to do this in full. No one and no thing outside of your conscious awareness of truth can do anything for you or to you. This is “the secret place of the most high” in which “no evil can come neigh they dwelling place.” This is simply your acknowledgement of truth, your steadfast abstention from falsehood and your access to the power of the Creator. Let not one more breath escape from your body outside of this awareness. Today abide in this awareness. Acknowledge the truth of everyone and everything. Allow your awareness of the presence to bring it’s full power of creation to everything you witness. Walk softly on the earth today and know that I am with you always. Bring the power of this awareness to everyone you meet. Allow this to be your gift to them in order that you may receive it fully. You can do no more and you can do no less. This is your aspect of the whole.


The Spirit of God


The Spirit of God comes upon you as you release all mortal thought. You will know that you have moved to complete awareness when your heart functions as your center of knowing rather than your mind. You feel rather than think. There exists a yin/yang relationship of stasis between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Similarly there is a balance between mind and heart or thinking and feeling. In your ordinary awareness your thinking mind appears to dominate your actions. The tasks of doing appear to supersede simply being and thinking appears to dominate feeling. In spirit, or in your conscious awareness of the presence of God within, your heart overtakes your mind as your center of intelligence. You move from acting and doing to conscious awareness of the truth beyond material sense. As strategy is the father of tactical action so consciousness begets material sense. To seek first in heaven and allow all things to follow, or be added unto you is to know the source of all that you experience. Here you capture the essence of “be still and know that I am God.” Now you may lay down all forms of defense and attack. You may abide in the secret place of the most high, for no evil can come neigh they dwelling place. Never again can you lack or separate from all that is, for The Source itself is within you, awaiting only your awareness – still your mind and allow the heart to function fully as your center of feeling and knowing. This activates the awareness of the Father within. You now move from tactical to strategic, from doing to being, from action to non-action. You become aware of Patanjoli’s aphorism of steadfast abstention from falsehood creating the fruits of good deeds without doing those deeds yourself. You know as Christ did “it is the Father that does the work.” Now the phrase “I go before you to straighten the crooked road” has new meaning and Grace becomes your experience of life.

Your mind is central to your functioning in the body but it is the heart that houses your soul, the center of your being and the connection to the One. Today allow your mind to function at the level of tasks but realize with every beat of your heart and every breath you take know that I am ever with thee and that I know your needs before you do. Know that I perform the tasks assigned to you to do. Now the consciousness of the One operates in you, through you and the peace of God is upon you and is functioning through you. There is nothing you can not do in this state of awareness. Allow this to be your truth and your gift to this world.