The Father and I Are One

fatherAndIAreOneThe peace that passes human understanding belongs to those who have laid down the ego’s perceptions, projections and desires. In the awareness of one’s true relationship with the Infinite Source, all seeking, struggle and conflict is exchanged for the peace that comes with the understanding of your oneness with all things. “I am ever with thee” and “all that I have is yours” becomes your actual experience of life when you know the truth and the truth has set you free.

Love is the nature of all that is real and true. Only illusion presents as other than truth – other than love.

The only true experience is the experience of love without the overlay of the ego’s perceptions of fear and illusion. This is the peace that passes human understanding. This is love and this is bliss. This transforms every experience and indeed life itself into the experience of the Living God. Now the phrase “The Father and I are One” has meaning.