The truth is revealed to you when you let illusion fade away. No material or physical experience can be observed without ego’s interpretation. As you surrender yourself, material sense of self, you realize that who you really are is having a completely different non-physical, non-material experience and truth is revealed. In this revelation you are transformed from mortal man to the Son of God. Now “the Father and I are One” is a reference to you. What of this world can touch the creator? What of this world can conflict with the One. Nothing and no one is outside of this omnipresence and omnipotence. Now all things are possible. Do not allow yourself to drift back into thoughts of mortality and physicality. You are My Son, in whom I am well pleased. As you truly recognize this in yourself you can not help but see this in others. Now all the world rejoices in the truth.
Today you will silence the voice of illusion, of temporary physical representation and stand steadfast in your inner awareness of eternal truth. “I am ever with thee.” “ All that I have is thyne.” There exists nothing left for you to quest for and nothing that you can not bless with the presence of God. Call upon the Sanskrit word Namaskar, used for thousands of years to say, God within me sees God within you. Namaskar.