You see truth. You know truth. You have done the hard part of seeing illusion for what it is, now all you need to do is embrace what is, in the moment. Let no thought of what was, or projection of what could be, conjure a memory or a future outcome that takes you away from now, for truth is now. I am ever with thee in the present. Your separate mortal thoughts create a past and a future apart from truth. “Abide in the Word” is a directive to focus on this moment. To focus on what is actually happening in the present moment rather than overlaying previous illusion or future projection onto the perfection of the moment. This is your opportunity to lay down prior illusions and mistakes, to forgive yourself and all the world for what never really was.
Let the river of life flow through you. Do not attempt to dam up the flow by attaching to the past or clutching onto the present. The joy of life is in the flowing nature of it. You can not go back to some previous time. You can not go ahead to something you create in your mind as a future. Your only opportunity for happiness, for truth and for love is to embrace this moment. I am ever with thee in the present. Abide in me in this moment. As you leave the mental construct of time and space bound illusion you step into the eternal truth and recognize who you are not and glimpse the wonder of who you are. Now the phrases “The Father and I are One” and “Aham Bramasmi” – “I am Brahman” the eternal One, have meaning.
Today you can live in the eternal non-material truth that there exists only one eternal moment and in it you may truly say I am that I am.