See Truth

seeTruthAll the love that flows through the universe is accessible to each person. This most powerful force literally creates all things. As you move into concordance with its energetic resonance you begin to co-create with it. This can either be seen as miraculous or as a deeper understanding of the functioning of God, The Universe, All that is.

Now all you need to do is let go of your sense of self – your limited view or judgment and all ideas and patterns that you have formed, based upon your previous limited perceptual experiences – surrender. This is not an activity of the mind. This is reality apart from your perceptual interpretation. Let this instant be the instant that truth is revealed, that you know me aright. Let go of all your misperceptions that true perception, reality, love, can flourish where illusion and fear have so long dominated your thoughts that you lost your way. Now you can see. Only love is real.