Surrender Yourself

surrenderYourselfMy Son, all that I have is thyne. Your access to all is through your surrender. As you release your small ideas of material sense, you move from “this world” to “My Kingdom.” Release yourself and others from the bounds and limitations of the world you would create apart from all that is. Surrender your self, your ideas, your thoughts and the repetitive patterns that create this world apart from truth. You have suffered so long in this quest to find peace and bliss in a world of material sense. There exists no precedent for this in the wisdom traditions. Every story of awakening, of bliss, of enlightenment is a story of letting go of material sense. The consistent message is a message of finding peace in a world of non-materiality. These are stories of awakening in a sense of Oneness with the everlasting unmanifest and becoming fulfilled in the joy of Oneness with the divine truth within you.

I call your name, just as you call mine. Your seeking awareness of My presence is a reflection of your own inner Self calling out to be seen. The merging of self with Self is the union that you seek. Once you fully recognize the totality of your own Self, you will see it in others and attract it to yourself.

You may rest now in the assurance that I know your needs before you do and I will go before you to straighten the crooked road. All you need to do is pray without ceasing. Maintain your steadfast abstention from falsehood.

The Father and I Are One

fatherAndIAreOneThe peace that passes human understanding belongs to those who have laid down the ego’s perceptions, projections and desires. In the awareness of one’s true relationship with the Infinite Source, all seeking, struggle and conflict is exchanged for the peace that comes with the understanding of your oneness with all things. “I am ever with thee” and “all that I have is yours” becomes your actual experience of life when you know the truth and the truth has set you free.

Love is the nature of all that is real and true. Only illusion presents as other than truth – other than love.

The only true experience is the experience of love without the overlay of the ego’s perceptions of fear and illusion. This is the peace that passes human understanding. This is love and this is bliss. This transforms every experience and indeed life itself into the experience of the Living God. Now the phrase “The Father and I are One” has meaning.

The Love of God 2

loveOfGod2A new year has begun. This will be a year of great joy for you. You will walk in the awareness of your Oneness with The Creator. All that God has made is good. Your constant awareness of your Oneness with God sets you completely free of the material limitations of this five sense world. You have spent more than enough time at the margins of the Truth, now allow the Truth to come fully upon you. No one and no thing outside of you can bring you to this awareness. Indeed all else is a distraction and an illusion. Here in My presence you see what is. Your five senses continue to confuse you and delude you.

You have made the important first step to your own awakening. You have finally surrendered and in this surrender of that which is not real, what is real has been revealed, at last. You will see now, not with your eyes but with your heart that is open, open to love. Nothing but love is real and you are now ordained to declare it in the face of every illusion without regard to its the name or nature. Hold dear to this Truth, the love of God that animates your being and create your peaceful awareness of it omnipresence.

Rest in the peace and the joy of knowing that I know your needs before you do. I go before you to make your place. Rest at last in the house of the Father as I tend to you. Let this peace and joy by your gift to those who know not the love of God.