As you allow God to move in your life you begin to see creation through the unattached eyes of the observer. All that is, simply is. Action through non-action makes sense as the God within goes before you to straighten the crooked road. Let no thought of what was, or what should be, obscure the truth of what is, for I am ever with thee.
The love of God that flows through you is the Creator, the Source. Let no outside appearances occlude this truth. As you remain steadfast in your abstention from falsehood, all that I have is thine. It is my great pleasure to share the entire kingdom with you. Now you can see that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of God. Allow only this truth to guide your thoughts, your actions and your life. This is the peace that passes human understanding. This is the one truth.
Today allow this love to fill your every breath. Allow every inhalation to breathe the love of God into you and allow every exhalation to breathe the love of God out of you to all whom you encounter. As you move into conscious communion with the Divine, you begin to share this with others. Live consciously in this communion today.