There is no person place or thing outside of ourselves, that holds the key to our happiness, our ability to live joyously. Whenever you think you have come upon such a thing, you have created an idol, a graven image. Do not allow your mind, your small sense of self, the I that is your humanness to place this Divine aspect outside of you, for YOU are the Son of God, the Oneness with all that is. If you place that outside of you then you will naturally want to pursue it. This sets up an unsolvable loop. Rest in the knowing that “you are my son, in whom I am well pleased” and “it is my great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you.”. You must surrender ALL thoughts of your own and learn that with this comes, joy comes to you by Grace. It is Thy will be done. Not my will but Thy will. When you allow yourself to become a vessel, a perfect transparency for The Great Divine Intelligence to operate through you, ease, peace and joy becomes your life. This is living by Grace. You will recognize it by the inner peace it brings you. Let it begin today. Let go of all external references you have created and know that “I am with you always and shall never forsake nor leave you.”