The love of The Father is the only truth there is. In stillness, the constant chatter of perceptual thought is quieted and truth, love, is revealed. In every situation and in every breath you choose between the eternal unmanifest truth or your discrete perception thereof. Living consciously is living in the awareness of truth whilst the patterns of thought of the ego mind come and go like images on a movie screen. You may be engaged in the drama of the ever changing images but you must be able to connect with the truth beyond the shifting images. No peace is possible when these images seem to control your life. You must say with Christ “The Father and I are One.” You must declare “I have the meat the world knows not of.” Now peace is yours. Now you may rest assured, matter the image that presents, you and The Father are One. Now you actually know, in every circumstance, only love is real, only the eternal aspect of Me is real. The material sense, the perceptions and the patterns are the work of the waking dreamer and are actually under the control of the Self within. In stillness the eternal loving truth is revealed and the images simply fade away. The material experience comes and goes while the eternal truth of you remains unaffected by it. Today you will be able to stand with Christ in the eternal consciousness of the Loving Father and declare the truth that eliminates false images. You will see truth where illusion presents and no matter the name or nature of the material object you will reside in the awareness of the loving truth. Nothing can be lacking, nothing can be wrong, and nothing can be fearful, for love is the nature of the Mind of God. Allow the truth to shine through the perceptions of your material experiences today. Be still and know that I am God.