Free to Love

Free from ego’s projections and perceptions of past events and present in the moment, the awareness of your Oneness with all relieves you of the stress of judgement and ego’s constant evaluation. The present moment, the now, can be seen as it truly is rather than a reflection of prior events. In the unbiased mind you are able to live in peace and equanimity with everyone and everything. The mirror and the magnetic pull of prior events are suspended and for a time you can see with the “eyes of Christ.” You can see creation as God made it. Here you are discerning with the heart rather than evaluating with the mind. The truth behind the five sense experience is yours to see. No amount of mental activity can bring you to The Truth beyond the ego mind. Activating a completely different faculty, one that originates in the heart rather than the mind, brings awareness beyond the third dimensional experience. Now you can see yourself and the world around you anew. Now the reactive patterns of programmed response are stilled. Now you are set back in The Garden of Eden. Your questing and searching for outside experiences stilled and you are aware of your completeness, your oneness with all that is. Here Grace acts upon you. All your needs are met. Here you feel the power and truth in the words “I am ever with thee” and “I know your needs before you do.”

Without judgement and without the perception of need, you are free to accept the world and everything in it just as it is. The beauty and wonder of God’s creating need only be observed and appreciated, Loved. Your only function is to reflect that Love that is your true nature and God’s. Now the phrase “be still and know that I am God” has meaning for you. Here in this stillness you are complete, you are objectively aware. Here you are free to love and to be loved without ego’s constant evaluative process and filter. Now love is not a series of attractions and repulsions that perpetuate prior experiences, rather it is the simple revealing of what was real and true all along. The very nature of creation is this loving embracing truth. The peace that comes with the acknowledgement and the awareness of Self relieves the illusory pain of the five sense notions of separateness, lack, limitation, and disease.

Now spiritual awareness, or discernment provides you with the practical tool, not of creation , or transformation, but of revelation. Now you see what is. Now you can accept God’s actual creation without judgement. You can say “Thy will be done” and mean it. This alone brings you to the peace that passes human understanding. Now you are free to accept the gifts of God. “It is My great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you.” Now you are free to share these gifts with your brothers and sisters. No longer do you “live by the sweat of your brow.” Now all you needs are met by Grace and it is your great pleasure to share them, for it is sharing that they are made real to you. They manifest in your experience by gifting them to others, for there is only one Self. Seek not, for all that is, is already within. As you allow this truth to awaken in you, its power and its presence grows until the miracle of manifestation becomes your everyday experience of life. Spontaneous fulfillment of your needs and those of others is your Divine purpose. “It is my great pleasure to share the entire Kingdom with you” is spoken by your Self to your self and to all whom you meet. Now you see your true purpose is to share this awareness and this abundance, this love with everyone whose path you cross. When you have nothing left to seek your only joy is giving. “Love one another as I as have loved you.”