All the love there is flows from a source within each one of us. The only true experience of this is the inner knowing of oneness with the source. In relationship we experience this wonder and beauty with and through the beloved. The transference of the feeling from the inner source to this outer source enacts a sense of separateness from it, so that we can experience the union with it through the beloved. Rumi said, “True lovers don’t so much find one another as recognize that they were in each other all along”. Knowing the truth of source, God within brings us the peace that the beloved is truly an experience of Divine Love rather than Divine Love itself. Like all five senses experiences of the waking dreamer, they appear, disappear and reappear. The truth is not in the appearance; the Truth is in the consciousness. The physical representation is not the Truth. The consciousness behind the physical is eternal, unmanifest, unchanging and ever-present. Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. I am ever with thee. I know your needs before you do. It is My great pleasure to share the entire kingdom with you.
Now grace comes upon you. All your needs are met without effort. I am closer to you than your hands and feet. What could you seek outside this relationship? What could bring you to a sense of separateness from this Truth. Remain steadfast in your abstention from falsehood and you are truly in the presence of God, in Oneness with the source of creation, with all that is. Now you see “only love is real” applies universally. Now you can move from the unreal to the real with every breath, in every circumstance. Nothing in the five sense, outer world, can move you from the truth within. Now you can say “get thee behind me” to all every illusion that presents.
By surrendering all attachment and withdrawing all projection you recognize the source of all is within. In this recognition you begin to love what is real, what is true and what is eternal. This love is Divine Love. This love creates all things. This love is ever with thee, closer to you than your hands and feet. Nothing can separate you from it but in your own mind. As Christ said in the desert.
- Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of mouth of God
- We do not challenge God
- There is no God above God
There simply is nothing in the material world that can separate us from the Love of God that flows eternally within us. Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. Choose ye Mammon or choose ye God