Only Love Is Real

onlyLoveIsRealAs you stand in the constant realization of the oneness of self and Self, truth is revealed. I am ever with thee. I know your needs before you do. All you need to do is let go of the notion of a world apart from God. I live your life. I am in all things. Allow yourself to witness the word of God made flesh. Allow miracles to be your experience of life. Surrender the limitations, projections, and judgments of your mortal mind. Cancel the karmic patterns of your many lifetimes by simply seeing what is real and true. Only love is real. Judge nothing. Rest in knowing, Only Love is Real.  As the word of God is revealed to you, Truth illuminates your life. Live joyfully in It’s presence.

Love will show you the way.


presenceAs the light begins to shine away the darkness all the karmic patterns that have occluded your view of reality fade away and truth is revealed. The world of mental perception is replaced with true vision. Now you can see, not with perception or projection of material sense, now you can see “with the eyes of Christ”, the truth that transcends material sense.

It is your role to see truth, to forgive the world your own (mis)perception and see the world as God creates it. Now the phrase “all that God has made is good” has new meaning. You are not overlaying onto the perfection of God’s creation your fluctuating mortal judgment. Now you see what is, what truly is and you can say with Christ, “Thy will be done” and  “You have no power but the power from above”. Now as you make your way in the world you can see all things without judgment, for you know I am ever with thee and all that I have is yours. Now, you have moved past duality consciousness to awareness of unity consciousness. “It is my great pleasure to share the Entire Kingdom with you” is your cue that nothing “out there” is separate from you. There exists in all things a natural polarity but this is not to be confused with duality. You cannot separate one aspect of yourself or of creation and call it by another name. You can not do that with daylight and darkness for they are both part of the day. Monday is not separate from Tuesday for they are both part of the week and the week is part of the month as the month is to the year and the year  is to eternity. You experience this within your concept of linear time but the truth is that there exist only one external present moment. You may argue for a past with a history filled with karmic recollections but you will not find this history of your mind anywhere you look. You may contend that there exists a future filled with projections of your desires based upon those karmic recollections and judgments of good and bad, pleasure and pain, likes and dislikes, but you can not find such a place but in your dreams. You do not want to miss the only joy and the only freedom there is in the mortal experience by re-living the illusions of the past or dreaming about how they may repeat in the illusory future. “My kingdom is not of this world” is a call to recognize that the grace of God is always and eternally available to those who are present in the unified conscious awareness of Truth, in the eternal present moment. Grace, your awareness of the miraculous presence of God, happens not in the memory of the past or the projection of the future but in your ability to recognize your own oneness with the creator of all things, Brahman, God, The One, by any name and by no name, Allness. Now there is no place you can go that I am not. All that God has made is good. Now you are not seeing yourself or anything else as a separated part set aside from the whole. This moment is part of this day and this day is part of this week and this month and this year and this life time is a part of your own external being. Now Thy Will be done is easier to say and is easier to live. Allow the Eternal Presence to be your experience of every moment, and of everyone and everything today. You will feel grace acting upon all things and you will see “My Kingdom.” You will see and you will know peace and love for this is your truth and the truth of all things.

See Truth

seeTruthAll the love that flows through the universe is accessible to each person. This most powerful force literally creates all things. As you move into concordance with its energetic resonance you begin to co-create with it. This can either be seen as miraculous or as a deeper understanding of the functioning of God, The Universe, All that is.

Now all you need to do is let go of your sense of self – your limited view or judgment and all ideas and patterns that you have formed, based upon your previous limited perceptual experiences – surrender. This is not an activity of the mind. This is reality apart from your perceptual interpretation. Let this instant be the instant that truth is revealed, that you know me aright. Let go of all your misperceptions that true perception, reality, love, can flourish where illusion and fear have so long dominated your thoughts that you lost your way. Now you can see. Only love is real.