Source and Substance


The love of God, that is the communion with God, is the peace of God. You experience this when you lay down all thoughts of a self apart from God, a will apart from God, a life apart from God. You can not conceive, in your mortal mind the nature of truth. You can not see with your eyes, with material sense, what is simply not material. The mind of God is the consciousness, the substance of all things. That of which the object is made. In this sacred communion with God your consciousness and the consciousness of God become One. You literally become the source and substance of all that is. Nothing exists outside this source and substance.

Your peace and your joy lie with your acknowledgement and constant awareness of this eternal truth. Nothing else is real. All else is your own perceptual, material, ever-changing sense of reality.

You will learn to abide in this truth always. Let no thoughts of a world apart from the source and substance of all things slip into your thoughts. Allow the word of God, the eternal truth to be heard when you are tempted by illusion. No matter the form of illusion, you may abide in My word, live in My will and feel My presence and allow truth to show through in every moment. Here are you released from the bondage of material sense and perpetually connected to the truth that your substance and the substance of all is are One.


steadfastLet the awareness of God transform your very experience of life. Let no material experience take you from Truth. You must realize that “I am ever with thee”, “I will never forsake nor leave thee,” and “there is no place you can go that I am not.” As the inner awareness of My presence pervades your entire being, all that you thought was real fades, and the truth of all things is revealed. Physical structure, material items, mankind itself, none of the subjects of your perception can be observed objectively through the filter of your karmic experiences. Your ego’s perception conforms material experience to match your own pattern of projection and expectation. You release this pattern and begin to experience truth when you begin each breath with the awareness that “I am ever with thee.” Now what pours forth from within you is the unfiltered truth, the presence of God. Now you see all that God has made is good and only love is real.

Today you will notice with each clear deep breath, Prana, the living God, animates your being and all the world. Each person you meet, every article you behold, everyone and everything in your experience is the manifestation of the One. Seek first in Heaven and all else shall follow. Allow no physical appearance, or illusion, to distract you from this truth. All that is, emanates from the Source. You can not conform this to your will but you can look beyond the outward appearance and know the truth and it is this truth alone that sets you free. This truth sets you free from all material sense of limitation, of lack and of disease. Now you can look right past every five sense perception and say with the mystics, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Your steadfast abstention from falsehood is the one achievement that secures eternally all others.


sufferingYour “suffering,” that is confusion, or a moment of indulging in the illusion that you are separated from God, or anyone, or anything, is the temporary transitory affect of the transition to a more complete awareness that inside of you is allness. Nothing is outside your omnipresent truth. You are never isolated from all that is, but in your temporary limited perspective. Think back across the years and the experiences. You seem to have this or that, and then you seem not to have this or that but the other is with you. Then another set of this and that appear and disappear. Surely you can see that you don’t really have them or really lack them. All things are in your consciousness and that is where they come and go from. Your experience of them all is the witness of them. You call it manifestation or even miracle. I am God – all things manifest and all things unimanifest – The Source of all and you and I are one. Now what can we lack. What can we be without? Who and what are separate or excluded from all but in the temporary illusion, or lack of recognition, of the truth of allness and eternity.

For this to have meaning and to bring you peace and joy, you must maintain your constant awareness of its omnipresent truth. Now there can be no lack, limitation or disease. Now all things are manifest in your conscious awareness that I am ever with thee. When your limited view of a moment of separation presents, you must be able to draw upon the vastness of all that is to call forth to your present moment awareness that your truth is eternal and all that I have is yours. Let nothing and no one present you as isolated and apart from truth. Your peace and your joy lies in your constant awareness that you have access to all that I have. The entire kingdom is yours. Rest in that knowing and allow Grace to manifest all your needs. Now you may say with authority “My Father knows my needs before I do.” Now the kingdom of heaven is thyne.