Joy 2

Joy2As you allow the Divine to operate in and through you your experience of the world and of your life in it shifts from an individual, separate, discrete experience to a collective unified experience. This and that are not so much happening to you as they are simply happening. As you witness the unfolding of life, the Great Mystery at work, creation itself, you look less for cause and effect and more at what is. The peace that passes human understanding comes with embracing the idea that God is all things, that “I am ever with thee.” You allow your mind to accept what is without judging it as good or bad, but seeing it as it is. “Thy will be done”. This life becomes a peaceful loving journey when you are in service to the Divine Mystery rather than a branch apart from the tree, when you join in the ground dance of life by leaving your expectations, judgments and projections at the door.

As you move from the time and space bound illusions of the physical world with its transitory representations into the timeless eternity of realty your focus shifts from reaching for resources of comfort and pleasure, of likes and dislikes, to a non-judgmental observer of creation, accepting peacefully what is. Now, without attachment to outcomes or judgments of what presents, you see what is, in The Light of God.

Here you know God aright. You can love and accept creation as it is without projecting your history and your thoughts onto it. Today, simply follow your breath in and out and allow God to animate you in the context of all things. Join in the universal dance of creation, not as creator, or judge, but as it’s child, it’s creation. The peace of knowing your oneness or unity with it will bring you joy beyond the human condition. Experience this love and this unity with all things and the surrender of your small vision of the world becomes a joy.

Live Consciously

liveConsciouslyAs you allow God to move in your life you begin to see creation through the unattached eyes of the observer. All that is, simply is. Action through non-action makes sense as the God within goes before you to straighten the crooked road. Let no thought of what was, or what should be, obscure the truth of what is, for I am ever with thee.

The love of God that flows through you is the Creator, the Source. Let no outside appearances occlude this truth. As you remain steadfast in your abstention from falsehood, all that is have is thine. It is my great pleasure to share the entire kingdom with you. Now you can see that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of God. Allow only this truth to guide your thoughts, your actions and your life. This is the peace that passes human understanding. This is the one truth.

Today allow this love to fill your every breath. Allow every inhalation to breathe the love of God into you and allow every exhalation to breathe the love of God out of you to all whom you encounter. As you move into conscious communion with the Divine, you begin to share this with others. Live consciously in this communion today.

One Mind, One Life

oneMIndOneLifeAll the love that flows through you touches those you see. There is but one love, the love of God. There is no special love. Love is the love of God that manifests through you. There is but one mind and one life, the mind and the life of God. Recognize that you are that mind and that your life is that life. Each person you meet is that mind and that life, incarnate. See the very construct of your life and the context of who and what you are in relation to each other as aspects of the one mind and the one life. Now as you interact with every person you cannot help but see that they are aspects of God appearing as individuals. The underlying truth remains that there is no individual apart from God. Apply this in your interaction with others by acknowledging their truth and their soul. Release them from your illusions and projections. Acknowledge them as they are rather than as you are. Let the love of God reveal itself as you set aside your illusory images.
Let the love of God that is your truth sustains you and reveal itself in others without your attempts to name it or direct it.