My Son, all that I have is thyne. Your access to all is through your surrender. As you release your small ideas of material sense, you move from “this world” to “My Kingdom.” Release yourself and others from the bounds and limitations of the world you would create apart from all that is. Surrender your self, your ideas, your thoughts and the repetitive patterns that create this world apart from truth. You have suffered so long in this quest to find peace and bliss in a world of material sense. There exists no precedent for this in the wisdom traditions. Every story of awakening, of bliss, of enlightenment is a story of letting go of material sense. The consistent message is a message of finding peace in a world of non-materiality. These are stories of awakening in a sense of Oneness with the everlasting unmanifest and becoming fulfilled in the joy of Oneness with the divine truth within you.
I call your name, just as you call mine. Your seeking awareness of My presence is a reflection of your own inner Self calling out to be seen. The merging of self with Self is the union that you seek. Once you fully recognize the totality of your own Self, you will see it in others and attract it to yourself.
You may rest now in the assurance that I know your needs before you do and I will go before you to straighten the crooked road. All you need to do is pray without ceasing. Maintain your steadfast abstention from falsehood.