The Spirit of God


The Spirit of God comes upon you as you release all mortal thought. You will know that you have moved to complete awareness when your heart functions as your center of knowing rather than your mind. You feel rather than think. There exists a yin/yang relationship of stasis between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Similarly there is a balance between mind and heart or thinking and feeling. In your ordinary awareness your thinking mind appears to dominate your actions. The tasks of doing appear to supersede simply being and thinking appears to dominate feeling. In spirit, or in your conscious awareness of the presence of God within, your heart overtakes your mind as your center of intelligence. You move from acting and doing to conscious awareness of the truth beyond material sense. As strategy is the father of tactical action so consciousness begets material sense. To seek first in heaven and allow all things to follow, or be added unto you is to know the source of all that you experience. Here you capture the essence of “be still and know that I am God.” Now you may lay down all forms of defense and attack. You may abide in the secret place of the most high, for no evil can come neigh they dwelling place. Never again can you lack or separate from all that is, for The Source itself is within you, awaiting only your awareness – still your mind and allow the heart to function fully as your center of feeling and knowing. This activates the awareness of the Father within. You now move from tactical to strategic, from doing to being, from action to non-action. You become aware of Patanjoli’s aphorism of steadfast abstention from falsehood creating the fruits of good deeds without doing those deeds yourself. You know as Christ did “it is the Father that does the work.” Now the phrase “I go before you to straighten the crooked road” has new meaning and Grace becomes your experience of life.

Your mind is central to your functioning in the body but it is the heart that houses your soul, the center of your being and the connection to the One. Today allow your mind to function at the level of tasks but realize with every beat of your heart and every breath you take know that I am ever with thee and that I know your needs before you do. Know that I perform the tasks assigned to you to do. Now the consciousness of the One operates in you, through you and the peace of God is upon you and is functioning through you. There is nothing you can not do in this state of awareness. Allow this to be your truth and your gift to this world.

The Truth Will Set You Free

truthSetYouFreeLove is the truth. Allow no sensory experience to demonstrate anything apart from love. Remove your expectations, your judgments, and your projections and you will always reveal truth, love. Apply this to every breath, every moment and every experience by living exclusively in the experience of the moment. “I am ever with thee” and “I know your needs before you do”, apply exclusively to the present moment. Here, only love is real and here, all things are possible in Me. Relieve yourself of any temptation to judge, to project, or to reach back to recollections in an attempt to see what is real and true in this moment through the distorted lens of those misperceptions. Let this moment be as God created it. Accept the miraculous truth that all that God has made is good. Forgive everyone and everything all your misperceptions and you will know the truth that sets you free.

Here in this moment breathe in the prana, the life, the actual presence of God and honor that presence by allowing its unfettered truth to settle gently upon you, undisturbed by prior experiences, recollections and projections. My Kingdom is not of this world because this world is entirely fabricated of illusions of past perceptions and projections and of a future created exclusively in the mind. Release these miscreations and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

The Veil Has Parted 2

theVeilHasPartedFather the veil has parted and I can now see what was two is one. In all the vain searching and questing and trying and thinking it was I, the doer who obscured the Truth. Now nothing stands between You and the I that I truly am. It is not so much a letting go, as it is an embrace. When the real is revealed the unreal simply disappears. In the presence of True source the re-source simply vanishes. After forty days of fasting Christ was tempted with the challenge, “turn these stones to bread”. His answer was, why, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God,” by grace, from the Source not the re-source.

In secret place of the most high, in this unity consciousness, truly “all that is is thine”. The truth behind the words “It is My great pleasure to share the entire kingdom with you” is revealed. The knowing in the phrases “you are My son, in whom I am well pleased” and “you are always seated at the right hand of the Father” come to life as the real eternal you is acknowledged and all that you are not is finally seen.

Now, Love is revealed and in the presence of Divine Love all illusion disappears, just simply disappears. Error can no longer be when truth is revealed. A mistake is corrected. The Buddha mind or the “eyes of Christ” see only truth. As St. Paul said to the Corinthians, “before, you prophecy is part, now you prophesy in full.” Light simply banishes darkness. What was a glimmer becomes a radiant light, not from a distant re-source but from the deepest source, from within you. With the Source of this Light acknowledged, no material sense can speak truth. “Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.”

Now as you walk through this day you bring the light. No longer is there a search or a quest, an illusion of separateness from the Source. No longer can you pretend to rely upon a re-source when you are aware of the Source. The image or physical representation is not the conscious acknowledgment of the Eternal Truth. Now you understand in acknowledgement of the consciousness of It, you release all physical representations. The prodigal journey simply ends as the light descends upon you and the Truth of all things is revealed. “I am ever with thee.” “I am closer to you than your breathing.” “There is no place you can go that I am not.” The unity consciousness removes the illusion of a separate self apart from you and all that you are not simply is no more. This truth is reinforced each time you demonstrate it. Each time you mistake illusion for truth illusion grows in your mindful sense of a self apart from truth. Let your life be a demonstration of Truth rather than testimony to falsehood and illusion. No matter its name or nature, however beautiful or however horrific it may appear you are ordained to declare “get thee behind me” to every material sense or illusion and acknowledge Me in all thy ways. Only Love is Real.